EU COLIPA and SANS 1557 Verified Broadspectrum Sunscreens
We have all probably had the misfortune of having a severe case of sunburn, were the simplest touch to our skin causes pain for a day or two.
This is followed up by an unsightly peeling of one's now dead sunburned skin.
On this page we will explain sunburn and list current treatments and view points.
Sunburn is a painful inflammatory skin reaction due to over exposure to UV radiation typically from sunlight.
Sunburn can be caused by other forms of UV Radiation like Sunlamps, Sunbeds or Welding etc.
Sunburn normally only affects the outer most layer of our skin ( First degree Burn ) and in extreme and repeat prolonged sun exposure may result in secondary burns and blistering. Sunburn cannot cause third degree burns, and is highly unlikely to cause any form of skin scarring. Sunburn can occur in 15 minutes or less sun exposure with people who are fair skinned and sun-sensitive. The effects of excessive sun exposure are unfortunately only observed 2 to 5 hours after sun damage to the skin has occurred. The inflammatory, reddening of the skin is most evident only 12 to 30 hours after excessive sun exposure.
Avoid further sun exposure
Do not use Petroleum Jelly or any heat retaining rubs
Do not put on Butter or Toothpaste
Do not have a hot shower
Leave Blisters from Severe Sunburn Intact to prevent secondary infection.
If your kids show any symptoms of severe sunburn one is adviced to consult a doctor immediately.