EU COLIPA and SANS 1557 Verified Broadspectrum Sunscreens
KoolaSun SPF 30 to 50 is a broad spectrum UV A and UV B sunscreen
The UV Blockers are micronised particle Titanium Dioxide ( Rutile ) , micronised particle Zinc Oxide
( Zincite ) and Octyl Methoxy Cinnamate.
Rutile and Zincite exist naturally in soil and are extremely unlikely to cause any adverse skin reaction.
Rutile and Zincite physically reflect the UV Rays and both offer Broad Band UV A and UV B protection.
Rutile and Zincite are not broken down by sun rays.
Octyl Methoxy Cinnamate has been used worldwide for 20 years plus in baby sunscreen formulations and is used for its excellent water resistance and UV B absorbing capabilities.
Octyl Methoxy Cinnamate has a synergist effect with the mineral UV absorbers and is only used in low concentrations as a water resistant UV absorber.
All the UV blockers are approved worldwide for use on adults and children 6 months and older.
The Sunblock is non-irritating and is fine for use on the face and on Sensitive Skin.
The base cream is a hypo-allergenic moisturising water and light oil emulsion, with Vitamin A, C and E added to cream.
Vitamin A , C and E are known as free radical scavengers ( anti-oxidants ).
Free radicals are the main culprit for the skin losing its elasticity and aging.
Bulbinella Plant extract is also added as a skin conditioning agent.
Our standard product SPF 40 and our SPF 30 and 50 has been verified by the Internationally accredited Phyto-Laboratory at the University of Limpopo as to Sun Protection Factor.
Our SPF 40 and SPF 50 Sunscreen is tested to the European Colipa standard as a broadspectrum UV A and UV B formaultion.
Our formulation as been checked by SMI Analytical Laboratories for any harmful trace contaminants and for long term skin usage.
Each batch of raw materials is sourced from reputable suppliers and all batches are laboratory verified.
Our products have been tested on human volunteers; we do not test our products on animals.