EU COLIPA and SANS 1557 Verified Broadspectrum Sunscreens
Sunblock and Sunscreen are available in 35mm Diameter tubes for small orders
For Small Orders we recommend using our 100ml sunscreen tube with a vinyl sticker for own branding purposes, as in the above example.
For tube orders of over 5000: High Detail Full Colour On Tube Printing is available
From 20ml to 260ml Tubes can be done with large orders
We gladly do your own brading for re-sale or for handouts
All suntan lotions and sunscreens are available in SPF 5 to SPF 50
Our SPF 40 & 50 is laboaratory tested to SANS 1557 and can use the CANSA Skin Safety Logo
We can supply you with packaged products with your own Logo or Branding in our standard or on customer required size
Bulk supply in buckets for customer re-packaging or use in cloak room dispensors
For Sunscreen Enquiries or a Quotation kindly fill out our
Product Request Form
or contact Shona
on 012 811 5217
or via
5 litres containers of SPF 40 or 50 available as a lotion to re-fill containers